New 2017 RCRA Regulations – What You Need to Know

The EPA recently rolled out new regulations regarding the handling of hazardous waste, so we’re detailing everything you need to know right here in order to properly comply. The new rules dramatically changes the labeling stipulations for hazardous waste containers, updates emergency situation plans, and includes brand new reliefs for generators, all under the umbrella of the Generator Improvements Rule.

Looking Into the Generator Improvements Rule

This new rule was finalized last October by the Administrator of the EPA, which stipulated much needed changes to the hazardous waste generator regulations, in order to make them more understandable. They are also designed to foster compliance, allow more flexibility in the management of hazardous waste materials, and fill in a few crucial gaps in the current hazardous waste regulations.

According to the EPA, there are two primary provisions in the new regulations:

  1. Allowing a hazardous waste generator to avoid increased burden of a higher generator status when generating episodic waste provided the episodic waste is properly managed, and

  2. Allowing a very small quantity generator (VSQG) to send its hazardous waste to a large quantity generator under control of the same person.

When do the New Rules Take Effect?

The new Generator Improvements Rule is already in effect as of May 30, 2017, which means that the statutes in the law are already being enforced by the EPA. It’s crucial that you receive the proper updated training in regards to the new rules, as required by law. PTP routinely holds classes for RCRA training, because the EPA requires annual RCRA training for all applicable persons working around hazardous waste. You can sign up for our upcoming October 3rd class right here.

The EPA requires all Generators, or persons involved with Hazardous Waste Management receive this training. If you fall into this category, it is imperative that you contact us today. During these classes, PTP explains the relationship with DOT and OSHA and provides a straight-to-the-point training program that helps with all of your compliance issues. We provide each attending student with a copy of the newly updated Hazardous Waste Regulations (40 CFR §260-280), along with workshops and case scenarios to aid students in their comprehension of the new RCRA rules and how they apply to real life situations.

Don’t miss this convenient opportunity. Sign up here for training on the new Generator Improvements Rule and more.

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