OSHA Logs – Electronic Injury Reporting Rule Delayed

If you have been following reports on OSHA’s new electronic injury reporting rule, then you know there has been much debate since the original announcement. Among some of the biggest objections was OSHA’s intent to publish the 300 logs and 301 forms online. Many companies expressed outrage that the information would be so readily available.

The ongoing debate coupled with the ushering in of a new administration in Washington has prompted OSHA to announce on July 30th, 2018 that they will not be enforcing the already passed deadline and the new filing date is set for March 2nd, 2019. This will give them more time to review all of the requirements including the rule on sharing information and announce final rules as they progress over the next few months.

As a brief reminder for those who many have forgotten or those who simply did not know, back in May of 2016, OSHA announced the final electronic reporting rule effective July 1, 2018. Some thought the idea of “publicly shaming companies” was a good way to push companies into increasing safety, and having less reportable injuries. Others felt the opposite was true, in that companies would avoid the public shaming, and their risk to reputation, by not reporting injuries.

OSHA points out that the previous rule allowed public disclosure under the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) of employee details once it was submitted to them. It seems that OSHA is still working through some kinks but hopefully future deadlines and rulemakings will be more concise and privacy conscious.

Regardless of where the ruling may end up, companies are still required to keep the 300 logs and 301 forms. The old requirements are still in play and OSHA inspections are on the rise. All companies should continue to maintain safety plans, drills, etc. to avoid workplace injuries just as they did before. Avoiding reporting or taking chances with reporting processes is not advised and may end up costing thousands in fines.

The most common mistakes companies make when reporting injuries is not reporting them. To keep in compliance all injuries need to be logged even if you don’t think it’s serious. The biggest mistake you can make is not reporting an incident.


(OSHA and EHS Today)


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