PTP Honored for 28 Years in Business

PTP Honored for 28 Years in Business

As some of you may know, PTP is celebrating 28 Years in Business this year, and this past Monday evening (8/20/2018) PTP was honored in a big way with a Proclamation by the Mayor of Swedesboro NJ and the council members. Check out the Borough’s Facebook post below:...

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Environmental Factors: What about Wildfires?

Environmental Factors: What about Wildfires?

One of the most troubling environmental issues recently, along with water shortage issues, has been the outbreak of wildfires, specifically in California. There are many opinions as to the reasons for the fires, ranging from the results of climate change to “bad...

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Deadliest Workplace Hazard

Deadliest Workplace Hazard

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2014, 261,930 workers missed one or more days of work due to injuries from same-level falls, and falls to lower-levels. Unfortunately, 798 workers have died from these types of falls. According to NIOSH, those who are...

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Celebrating 28 Years…Our Story

Celebrating 28 Years…Our Story

Back in the 90’s, a shy mother of three was looking for a way to raise her family and have a meaningful career as an engineer. Carol Brozosky decided to break out on her own and leave the relative safety of her industry career to open her own business. After thriving...

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New e-Manifest Rule Now in Effect

New e-Manifest Rule Now in Effect

If you are familiar with Waste Manifests, then you know they are the mandatory documents for the transportation of dangerous goods/hazardous materials. These manifests are not only required, but provide useful information for tracking this type of waste from beginning...

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Are You Prepared For The New OSHA?

Are You Prepared For The New OSHA?

OSHA has shifted its emphasis from voluntary assistance programs to enforcement, and the inspectors are out in full force. How can a manufacturing company be proactive about compliance?  It comes down to practical training.  Employers need to train their workforce -...

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